school's taking admission without transfer certificate |
RTE - School Admissions |
Parent / Student |
Madhya Pradesh |
Donation |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Parent / Student |
Maharashtra |
admission |
Legal - Government Legislation / Rules / Notifications / Orders |
Uncategorized |
Maharashtra |
st joseph khadki denies admission undet rte |
Education - Pre-School Education |
Government NGO / Researcher |
Maharashtra |
What action will be taken if the parents do not allow students to go to school |
Education - Secondary Education |
Parent / Student |
Maharashtra |
School Leaving Certificate |
Schools - Private Schools |
School Owner / Administrator / Principal |
Maharashtra |
Online Admissions |
RTE - 25% Reservation Quota |
Government NGO / Researcher |
Maharashtra |
Does SC/ST Student is eligible for RTE benefit? |
RTE - Inclusion (SC/ST/EWS/CWSN/Disabled) |
Parent / Student |
Maharashtra |
Can School increase fee exorbitantly and do not give concession if more than 1 kids are in same school |
Schools - Private Schools |
Parent / Student |
Maharashtra |
how to get admission under RTE in permanently unaided school |
Schools - Private Schools |
Parent / Student |
Maharashtra |