Class 1, minimum age as on date and month |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
School Owner / Administrator / Principal |
Delhi |
can schools fail students in the class 9 |
Schools - Government Aided Schools |
Parent / Student |
Karnataka |
Can School increase fee exorbitantly and do not give concession if more than 1 kids are in same school |
Schools - Private Schools |
Parent / Student |
Maharashtra |
can Mild Mental retarded child seek admission in Normal Schools |
RTE - Inclusion (SC/ST/EWS/CWSN/Disabled) |
Parent / Student |
Delhi |
can i take admission in preschool under rte act |
Education - Pre-School Education |
Parent / Student |
Maharashtra |
can a student of class 6th be declared fail by any private school |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Parent / Student |
Delhi |
can a student of class 6th be declared fail by any private school |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Parent / Student |
Delhi |
are the books free of cost under RTE? |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Parent / Student |
Gujarat |
Applicability of RTE in Kendriya Vidyalaya. |
RTE - 25% Reservation Quota |
Parent / Student |
Tamil Nadu |
Applicability of RTE and How? |
RTE - School Admissions |
Parent / Student |
Rajasthan |