my children in study indian primary school devarachkkanahalli |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Teacher / Academia |
Karnataka |
Age |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Parent / Student |
Maharashtra |
Pupil-Teacher Ratio as per RTE Act |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Teacher / Academia |
West Bengal |
Admission |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Uncategorized |
Rajasthan |
Class 1, minimum age as on date and month |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
School Owner / Administrator / Principal |
Delhi |
Denied School Admission due to Age |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Uncategorized |
Andhra Pradesh |
Admission |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Parent / Student |
Bihar |
my child birthdate is 29-8-2011, so as per new rule on june2015 age must be 4 for junior kg what should i do |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Parent / Student |
Maharashtra |
Repeat a class for improvement |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Parent / Student |
Rajasthan |
Pupil-Teacher Ratio |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Teacher / Academia |
West Bengal |