procedure for obtaining transfer certificate in class xi |
Schools - Private Schools |
Parent / Student |
West Bengal |
is putting upper age lilmit for PG courses in university is violation of RTE or not....? |
Education - Higher Education |
Parent / Student |
All India |
Transfer of RTE seat from one school to another |
RTE - 25% Reservation Quota |
Parent / Student |
Karnataka |
Where and How I can apply for admission under RTE |
RTE - School Admissions |
Parent / Student |
Maharashtra |
Repeat a class for improvement |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Parent / Student |
Rajasthan |
Donation |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Parent / Student |
Maharashtra |
a child in class 9th can be mishandled by pri vate svhool due to sny savior clash between principal and parent |
Education - Secondary Education |
Parent / Student |
Delhi |
promotion |
Schools - Private Schools |
Parent / Student |
Maharashtra |
Is home schooling recognized method of educating a child..? |
Education - Primary / Elementary Education |
Parent / Student |
Andhra Pradesh |
School Leaving Certificate |
Schools - Private Schools |
School Owner / Administrator / Principal |
Maharashtra |